Shank Prakshalana: Clean & Revitalize Your Body!

Shank Prakshalana: Clean & Revitalize Your Body!

April 1, 2023
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Yoga contemplates hygiene as a sacred discipline for purifying body and mind, thus facilitating the path to the religious aspects of life. Therefore, there are a large number of debugging shank prakshalana exercises. One such technique is the Shank Prakshalana, the intestinal washing up salt water. So, in this sense, Shanka means “seashell,” and Prakshalana refers to “clean.”

The Ayurvedic tradition contemplated the digestive system as a conch, a long spiral through which food circulates. To clean the digestive system from the mouth to the anus, they use a method as simple and effective as drinking salt water. So, this drink will be expelled not by the urinary tract but by the intestinal tract, clearing it of any residue in its path.

The technique is combined with a series of exercises or asanas. This exercise help uncovers the ducts, remove residual encrustation from the intestinal walls, and pull them out.

Reasons To Perform Shank Prakshalana

The organism tends to become intoxicated systematically throughout life. This could be due to external substances or ingested foods, incorrect diets, and the products resulting from the fermentations generated in the digestion of according to which foods in the intestine.

This autointoxication, amplified in case of constipation, is often a direct or indirect cause of diseases and dysfunctions in different organs: colon, stomach, intestines (other types of cancer), kidneys (colic), legs, skin problems, the nervous system (irritability, insomnia), of the circulatory system by the direct filtration of the colon to the blood, etc.

shank prakshalana 1

These symptoms are often a sign that the body has not been adequately cleaned in the past. Not even the daily evacuation of the intestine prevents the formation of sediments that gradually become embedded and can never be eliminated. This is why it is essential to keep the intestine in the best state of cleanliness and always take care of the diet.

Toxins can be the culprit of many chronic diseases and degenerative diseases. This explains, for example, why people exposed to the same climatic conditions are constipated or not. The fault is not of the microbes, but the lack of average immune resistance due to the autointoxication of the bloodstream makes people sick.

Benefits Of Shank Prakshalana

Unlike an enema, which only covers the large intestine, Shank Prakshalana cleans the entire digestive tract. So, it can clean the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Some of shankh prakshalan benefits are:

  • Increases concentration.
  • Decrease appetite.
  • Combats impurities in the skin.
  • It cleanses the blood and detoxifies the whole organism.
  • Eliminates bilious diseases.
  • It cleanses the intestine.
  • Regenerates the intestinal flora.
  • Prevents tumours in the intestine.
  • Eliminates constipation.
  • It gives strength and vigour to the organism.

How To Practice Shank Prakshalana?

Here is process of prakshlana:


Heat salted water (one teaspoon of salt mixed with 1L of water). Saltwater is used to prevent it from being absorbed by osmosis through the mucosa and evacuated as urine.

The auspicious moment to realize this kriya is in the morning, fasting. Cleaning together takes more than an hour. So, you should avoid doing dynamic exercises during that day and the following morning.

Prakshalana Shankha Technique:

  • Drink a glass of warm saltwater.
  • Immediately afterward, perform the movements described below.
  • Drink another glass of water.
  • Immediately after completing the activities described below.

A glass of water/exercise should follow this sequence until drinking six glasses. After the exercises are performed after the sixth glass, you should go to the bathroom to evacuate.

  • Usually, a first evacuation occurs almost immediately. Softer stools and then liquid stools follow normal stools. If the evacuation does not take place after approx. 5 min. Go back to the exercise series without drinking water. Once it is started, the first evacuation will take place, and the rest will follow automatically.
  • After each evacuation and using toilet paper, it is advisable to rinse the anus with warm water. So, dry it and eventually lubricate it with olive oil or another to prevent salt irritation.
  • After the first evacuation, another glass of warm salt water must be taken, followed by the exercises and return to evacuate. Proceed with this alternation: a glass of water/exercises. Then, bathe until the water comes out as straightforward as it entered.  
  • When you see that, the water comes out as straightforward as it came in. Do not do anything else. You will only suffer the inconvenience of going to the bathroom several times during the next hour.

Description Of Exercises

Follow the following movements to drive the water through the digestive tract to the exit. Each should be repeated 8 to 10 times on each side alternately, at a slightly rapid rate. The complete series does not take more than a minute.

1. Tadasana:- Interlace your hands and place them on your head. Next, raise your arms with your palms facing upwards while you stand on the tip of your feet. Then, descend them immediately and place your hands clasped over your head again. Repeat 8 to 10 times.


2. Tiryaka Tadasana:- You are beginning in Tadasana. Then, with your hands extended over your head and your palms facing the sky, lean to the left and immediately to the right. Continue from left to right. Repeat 8 to 10 times on each side.

3. Kati Chakrasana:- With your feet slightly apart, touch your left shoulder with the palm of your right hand. Next, bring your left arm behind your back to connect your right hip with the back of your left hand. Repeat 8 to 10 times for each side.

4. Tiryaka Bhujangasana:- Does Bhujangasana or cobra pose? Then, inhale and twirl your head and torso to the left as if you were to look at your left foot. Exhale as you straighten your crown and descend. Inhale doing bhujangasana. Then, rotate your head and torso to the right side as if you were looking at your right foot. Exhale as you straighten your head and descend. Repeat 8 to 10 times on each side.

5. Udarakarshanasana:- Crouch on the tip of your feet and rest your buttocks on your heels. Keep your knees apart and your hands resting on your knees. Bring your left knee to the floor with the help of your left hand. Return to the centre and bring your right knee to the floor. Keep alternating. Repeat 8 to 10 times.

We remind you that when finishing the practice of Shank Prakshalana, you must rest for half an hour. Next, ingest rice with lentils (preferably moong dal) prepared with ghee and turmeric but without salt.

You can add cooked vegetables. The pan should be watery. Avoid all dairy during that day. This preparation should be eaten during the rest of the day but nothing else. Rest and avoid extreme temperature changes.


Ayurveda is a natural cure for almost every disease and problem. You can treat even a minor issue from hair to foot with the help of Ayurvedic herbs or treatments. Arogyadham is an Ayurvedic treatment center in India where we treat many health and other issues with the use of Ayurvedic medicines. You can also ask our doctors about any query regarding your health issue and different therapies like panchakarma and detoxification. We will always be there to help you out. So do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

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