Ayurveda Tips For Pregnancy: 4 Tips For You & Your Baby

Ayurveda Tips For Pregnancy: 4 Tips For You & Your Baby

April 1, 2023
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According to Ayurveda, pregnancy is a rejuvenating experience in a woman’s life because every cell in a woman’s body can be transformed. In Ayurveda for pregnancy, human conception is compared to the germination and the outbreak of a seed and its transformation into a young tree. 

An embryo is created when the male and female seeds unite, and the soul enters the union. Therefore, much importance is given to the quality of the source (ovum). In addition to the female seed, the mother provides the soil (i.e., uterus), nutrition, and the correct time for the seed to grow.

Ayurveda tips for pregnancy recommendations emphasize the maintenance of a cheerful and happy disposition of the mind throughout the nine months of pregnancy. The general rules of prenatal care are given. 

The husband and other family members are advised to monitor the pregnant woman’s diet and encourage activities that are healthy and enjoyable for her and beneficial to the child’s development in her body.

Ayurveda For Pregnancy

Advice from Ayurveda for a healthy pregnancy:

1. Garbhini Vyakarana:- Ayurveda refers to the embryo’s development with the Sanskrit name “Garbhini Vyakaran.” The guidelines on food, activities, behaviour, and mental activity (ahar, vihar, achar, and Vichar, respectively) are detailed in the classical Ayurvedic texts. To have healthy offspring, other family members must also be careful about their diet, activities, behaviour, and emotional state before and after conception.

2. Garbhini Paricharya:- Ayurveda describes a special diet for pregnant women. But not just the diet but the medications and behaviour a pregnant woman should follow during pregnancy. Some are as curious as avoiding reading certain spiritual books, not taking papaya and pineapple, and not sleeping during the day.

3. Garbha Sanskar:- Garbha Sanskar refers to good morals and values ​​given to a baby while the baby is in the Garbha (womb). It consists of music, conversations, guided images, etc. They are educating the baby. The mother is asked to be relaxed and calm during pregnancy and talk about spiritual fulfilment and meditation to stay healthy.

Ayurveda Tips For Pregnancy

While conventional advice for cravings suggests observing the psychological reasons for these cravings during pregnancy, Ayurveda refers to pleasing the woman in her desires. This is because the body has immense knowledge about caring for itself and the baby.

ayurveda tips for pregnancy

But, of course, follow a well-balanced diet with adequate amounts of protein, starch, salt, and vegetables. Respect your unique desires in moderation, especially after the fourth month, when the cravings you’ll experience are more likely to be from the baby.

The Energy of the Vata nervous system has to be balanced. Therefore, Aahar (diet), Vihara (lifestyle), and Vichar (thoughts) should be sattvic with nature. The Vedic texts recommend sattvic foods, which means pure, easily digested foods that nourish the Dhatus (tissues) of the mother and the fetus. These include milk, rice, wheat, ghee, fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Sattvic foods do not cause constipation or indigestion and create a more stable state of mind. These foods help the mother enjoy excellent health and great vitality and help with the baby’s growth. Avoid eating leftovers as much as possible, as it can increase Vata in the system.

Things To Remind During Pregnancy

Some important points which not be underestimated:-

1. Foods to Avoid

Avoid heat, spicy food, raw green leafy vegetables, and raw beans and lentils, as they can cause gas. Also, avoid artificial flavours, preservatives, and chemical additives.

2. Flavors to enjoy

Eat the six flavours (sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter, and astringent), but note sweet, sour, and salty. (These three tastes of passage also balance Vata). Examples include dairy products (whole milk, butter, and yoghurt), sweeteners (honey and natural sugar), oils, and fruits.

3. Daily Routine

Two main components of a daily routine are going to bed early and getting up early. It is essential to go to bed during the Kapha time of the day (18:00 – 22:00). Falling is more accessible, and sleep will be more healing. Also, it is essential to wake up before the Kapha time of the day (6:00 – 10:00). Energy, vitality, and alertness are more significant if you wake up before 18:00. Naps should be avoided except during the hot summer months. Rest is essential for the first two months of pregnancy and the last two months.

4. Massage

Abhyanga, a full-body massage, is recommended. The stress and fatigue that can push the Vata dosha out of balance are alleviated through abhyanga. In addition, these oils feed on the microbiology in the skin and calm the sensory nervous system based on the mother’s skin.

Hot sesame oil is placed in a bowl with warm water; apply the oil with the open palm with long strokes on the long bones and circular motions on the joints. Massage all body parts and gently apply oil to the abdomen. A bath or a hot shower after the abhyanga helps open the circulation channels. 

Foot massage can also be used to help balance Vata. The Energy will keep flowing through the body and stimulate all systems. Use sesame or almond oil. Hot baths are also an option that can relax muscles, allow better circulation, and prevent the stagnation of toxins.

Ayurveda for pregnancy recommendations emphasizes the maintenance of a cheerful and happy disposition of the mind throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Do not bring negative thoughts into your mind; avoid talking, seeing, or hearing negative things.


Ayurveda is a natural cure for almost every disease and problem. You can treat even a minor issue from hair to foot with the help of Ayurvedic treatments or herbs. Arogyadham is an Ayurvedic treatment center in India where we treat many health and other problems using Ayurvedic medicines. You can also ask our doctors about any query regarding your health issue or anything. We will always be there to help you out. So do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

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