Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine

Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine

April 1, 2023
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Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, provides a holistic and natural approach to health and good living, providing help to resolve this type of pain. In this post, we will discuss best Ayurvedic treatment for migraine.

Headaches are one of the most significant challenges to health. At some point, most people have suffered or will suffer from a headache. As a result, many people turn to traditional Aspirin or Ibuprofen. 

While these medications offer a temporary remedy, they do not reach their deep cause, and many times the headaches reappear.

Ayurveda uses herbs that offer natural relief to correct internal imbalances. Also, this medicine understands that our lifestyle is the primary cause of our headaches.

Types Of Headaches

Headaches can be divided into three main categories: migraines, localized, and tension headaches.


 Known for causing significant distress, they are throbbing headaches accompanied by sensitivity to light, sounds, and smell. They are usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting. These severe pains can last from several hours to days, affecting more than 20 million people worldwide.

best Ayurvedic treatment for migraine

Localized Pains

They can also be very severe. They can last only a few minutes to a few hours but are recurrent throughout the day. These sharp pains are often accompanied by tearful and red eyes and also by the constriction or dilation of the pupils. 

Tension Headaches

They last from 30 minutes to a week. And tend to be mild and moderate and constant. They are usually not accompanied by other symptoms.

So, the cause of migraines and localized headaches are poorly understood. Tension, however, seems to have many causes, including stress, toxins, sleep difficulties, and even anxiety. Then, what all these headaches have in common is that, in one way or another, something is unbalanced in the patient.

The goal of Ayurveda is to restore balance and optimize the functions of the patient. You use a proper diet, herbs, exercises, and stress reduction to achieve this. The last mentioned includes meditation, yoga, and the creation of harmonious life.

Since many are trapped in a cycle of crisis and struggling to survive, they are only saving their heads above water to keep from drowning. As a result, we become very busy beings, deteriorating our way of life, and thus, we neglect. It is no news that we get sick because of this.

 It is the same as if the needs of plants are ignored; these are withered. If the conditions of cars are ignored, they are damaged. If the needs of human beings are forgiven, we suffer and become sick.

A harmonious life supports our body to function optimally. This kind of harmony in life should follow a relaxed and peaceful lifestyle. This means being active and productive. 

On the contrary, a person living harmoniously can be more productive because his body and mind do not get sick and have clarity and deep concentration.

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Practices To Treat Migraine With Ayurveda

You can try these four simple practices to bring harmony and balance to your life and watch as your headaches improve:

  • Get up early in the morning and remain silent for a few moments. This can be achieved by meditating, praying, or simply contemplating silence. So, get up before the kids, have a cup of tea, and practice a little stretching or yoga. Then, all these practices will bring peace of mind and harmony.
  • Ensure that you are sitting calmly and in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere whenever you eat. Create enough time to be present and relate to your food. Avoid eating in the car or at your workstation. Take a deep breath and relax before taking the first bite, and having a quiet experience while eating promotes digestion and soothes the mind.
  • Eliminate toxins from your life. You may be more sensitive to environmental toxins when you suffer from a chronic headache. To purify your body, try to quit smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Consume organic food to avoid pesticides and hormones.
  • Go to bed early so you can get up early. Try going to bed around 10:00 p.m. This allows most people to have a good night’s sleep and feel fresh in the morning. When you have rested well, your whole day will be perfect. Going to bed early is invaluable. Enjoy the comfort of your bed and snuggle under the sheets.

How Does Ayurveda Treat Migraine?

Ayurvedic treatments are focused on finding solutions, not just short-term relief. They emphasize cleaning the body from the inside and thus eradicating the disease from its roots. In the case of migraines, Ayurvedic treatment focuses on the pacification of Pitta dosha and restoring the body’s digestive functions. 

Patients receive herbal medicines and personalized diet and lifestyle plans, depending on the body’s constitution and the root cause of the disease. These help balance the nervous system and improve digestion.

Diet & Lifestyle Recommendations

It is recommended to avoid spicy foods, white sugar, white flour products, and acidic fruits that may aggravate Pitta. Migraine sufferers are advised to drink more water and eat more fibre in the form of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 

best food for Ayurvedic treatment for migraine

Predominantly in a pitta disorder, migraine headaches can be triggered by exposure to direct sunlight. Ayurvedic massages are recommended on the head with herbal oils as they calm the nervous system.

Ayurvedic Remedy For Migraine

One of the tricks to treat migraine with Ayurveda is to mix nutmeg, water, and a little coconut oil. It can turn out to be phenomenal to get the relaxation you deserve.


  • One tablespoon of grated nutmeg
  • A spoonful of water
  • One tablespoon of coconut oil


Start by grating the nutmeg. Once it is okay, place it inside a container. Then, add the coconut oil and the water (or milk) and mix all the ingredients well until they are integrated. So, it has to form a kind of paste, which should be manageable. So, you’ll already have the medical trick ready to be used.

Lie down, relax, close your eyes, and apply this mixture to your forehead. You can even warm it up a bit to make it warm. Then, let it act, putting a cloth over it and resting quietly. Pay attention because you are likely to fall asleep, as it has a mild hypnotic and soothing effect on this remedy for headaches.

Ayurveda is a Hindu medicine that can help you with everything. So the next time you have a headache, think before you take a pill and look for a real solution to the problem. If you suffer from a migraine and want to cure it, ask for an appointment with us to make that happen!


Ayurveda is a natural cure for almost every disease and problem. You can treat even a minor issue from hair to foot with the help of Ayurvedic herbs or treatments. Arogyadham Ayurveda Treatment Centre in India specializes in treating various health issues and other problems using Ayurvedic medicines. You can also ask our doctors about any query regarding your health tips issue or anything. We will always be there to help you out. So do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

In conclusion, migraines can severely impact daily living and are frequently associated with other conditions such as depression and epilepsy. The pain and unpredictability of migraines can lead to feelings of anxiety and hopelessness, complicating the overall experience. It’s important for individuals to recognize their triggers and seek appropriate treatment. By doing so, they can better manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life, addressing both the physical discomfort and emotional challenges that come with migraines.

In this post, we have informed you about the best ayurvedic treatment for migraine if you liked this post, please share it on your social networks, and if you have any questions, please leave us a comment in the comment section below!

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