Shank Prakshalana: Clean & Revitalize Your Body!

Shank Prakshalana: Clean & Revitalize Your Body!

Yoga contemplates hygiene as a sacred discipline for purifying body and mind, thus facilitating the path to the religious aspects of life. Therefore, there are a large number of debugging exercises. One such technique is the Shank Prakshalana, the intestinal washing...
3 Amazing Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

3 Amazing Ayurvedic Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Ayurveda, originally from India, is an ancient healing system that remains current to this day. As a discipline, Ayurveda is closely related to yoga and, therefore, seeks to achieve well-being in the body, mind, and spirit through nutrition, lifestyle, and natural...
Udvartana Massage Therapy For Stress Relief

Udvartana Massage Therapy For Stress Relief

The Ayurveda massage has its origin in the ancient Hindu tradition. Its main objective is to restore the balance of the body and maintain physical and mental health. So, although medicated oils are indeed essential in the vast majority of massages and treatments, in...
How To Clear Your Nostrils With Medicated Smoking

How To Clear Your Nostrils With Medicated Smoking

This era is known as the era of technology, information, industrialization, and urbanization; for the comfort and growth of the economy, we explore and exploit nature, and in return, it adversely impacts our health.  The climatic condition changes to the extreme from...
8 Ayurvedic Morning Rituals To Boost Your Energy

8 Ayurvedic Morning Rituals To Boost Your Energy

According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, the choices you make, considering your daily routine, can build resistance to illness or reduce it. Therefore, Ayurveda invites us to jump into the new day by focusing on morning rituals. These rituals align the body with the...
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