Udvartana Massage Therapy For Stress Relief

Udvartana Massage Therapy For Stress Relief

April 1, 2023
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The Healing Power of Udvartana Massage in Ayurveda

The Ayurveda massage has its origin in the ancient Hindu tradition. Its main objective is to restore the balance of the body and maintain physical and mental health. So, although medicated oils are indeed essential in the vast majority of massages and treatments, in some instances, they are much more helpful and recommended for dry massages. So, this type of massage is given the generic name of Udvartana massage.

Udvartana is a treatment based on powders composed of minerals, herbs, and medicinal species. Then, Udvartana massage stimulates the metabolic process. So, powders, either dry or applied after oil massage, have a mild dermis-abrasive effect, ideal for removing impurities and treating stains and eruptions. 

So, its active components contribute to purifying and activating the skin’s metabolism and are especially suitable for circulatory disorders, cellulite, fluid retention, obesity, etc. 

Ayurveda bases its diagnosis on three types of body constitutions (Doshas). So, through these constitutions, it is possible to make a profound physical, mental, or emotional diagnosis. Then, once the dosha that is in imbalance by excess or defect is determined, it will allow us to deal with the conflict that has triggered the body’s protest.

Udvartana Massage

Thanks to the knowledge of these doshas, you can perform very specific treatments. So, in the case of cellulite, undeniable results are obtained from the first session. In addition to Udvartana massage, the person must adopt healthy living patterns, such as sports, a balanced diet, etc. So this will help improve results.

Benefits Of Udvartana Massage

  • Liquefies the fat in the body and helps eliminate it.
  • Perform lymphatic drainage of the whole body.
  • Activates circulation.
  • It helps eliminate all kinds of toxins.
  • Excellent results in obesity and weight loss.
  • Reduces body aches.
  • Provides lightness to the body.
  • Reduces excess sweat and body odour.
  • It reduces sagging and adds muscle tone.
  • Reduces fatigue and lethargy.
  • Activates the metabolism.

It Also Calms And Reduces The Following Symptoms Of Excess Kapha In The Body:

  • Cellulitis.
  • Fluid retention.
  • Excess fat.
  • Revitalizes the skin and treats a great diversity of skin imbalances:
  • Eruptions.
  • Itchy.
  • Cleans pores and removes dead cells.
  • Helps perspiration and absorption.
  • Provides lightness and evenness to the skin.
  • It rejuvenates the skin, softens, and leaves a soft and velvety touch.

Udvartana Massage To Eliminate Cellulite

In Ayurveda, beyond cultural stereotypes, a person is considered overweight when this imbalance affects their life and health. So, in this sense, cellulite is not treated as an aesthetic problem but as the result of an imbalance, usually Kapha.

Udvartana Massage

We find that an unbalanced Kapha with a weak digestive (Agni) fire results in excessive accumulation of toxins (ama), which results in cellulitis (among other symptoms).

Cellulitis According To Each Dosha

Dosha and their cellulitis are:

Vata: Hard And Located Cellulitis

Vata’s constitution is thin, with little bone structure, musculature, and a tendency to sag. Vata people hardly get fat since they are always in constant movement. Instead, they accumulate in localized areas like cartridges or the abdomen.

Pitta: Soft Cellulitis With Bad Circulation

When it is unbalanced, it accumulates fat in the hip and legs. It has altered the circulatory system, and all its pathologies are derived from it. Poor circulation worsens the lymphatic system, making it challenging to eliminate toxins and create cellulite. So, in the treatment for Pitta, it is very important to avoid putting heat in since, in the long term, the problem becomes worse.

Kapha: Edematosa Cellulitis

It is a person with a large structure and musculature. Also, he must constantly watch his food because he has a slow metabolism, is imbalanced, and tends to be overweight. So it is easy to hold liquids.


Ayurveda is a natural cure for almost every disease and problem. You can treat even a minor issue from hair to foot with the help of Ayurvedic treatments or herbs. Arogyadham is an Ayurvedic treatment centre in India where we treat many health problems using Ayurvedic medicines. You can also ask our doctors about any query regarding your health issue or anything. We will always be there to help you out. So do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

Udvartana Massage, paired with Marma Therapy and Aroma therapy, offers a holistic way to relieve stress. The herbal powders detoxify, while essential oils calm, promoting relaxation and balance

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